Events Calendar

UpComing this month
A Weekend Away on the North Devon Coast
Thursday 04 September 2025, 16:00
To Monday 08 September 2025
Contact Bookings Secretary at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This can be booked as a four day weekend. Exmoor Bunkhouse, Countisbury, near Lynton (North Devon coast) From Minehead follow A39 through Porlock as you come into Countisbury, Blue Ball Inn is on the left, Bunkhouse is the next building on the left with the car park opposite. Restricted parking for 5 cars opposite, but additional layby parking on the road to the church opposite the pub.

Exact location link is,149591&st=4&ar=Y,y&mapp=map&searchp=ids&dn=569&ax=274608&ay=149591&lm=0

Location EX35 6NE MR SS746495
Catering: - Saturday Caterer #; Friday Club Caterer **; Friday Club *; Thursday Night = £; Sunday Night = $;
Sleeps 18